My project is a graphic and interactive music map that teaches the user about the history and roots of electronic music and the various genres that it has inspired. The map traces the evolution and inter-relationship of these genres over time and describes the addition of new styles and elements into the music. The map also includes various examples of these styles and elements from important artists in each genre.
Please see the basic demo of the website here:
Please see the detailed design for my project below:
This is the main page of my project. A beat is the basic unit of time in music. It is like a pulse, a regularly repeating event. Beats per minutes (BPM) is the number of times a beat is repeated in one minute. BPM expresses the tempo of a song above the very first measure. Tempo indicates the speed of a song, the rate at which beats are repeated. Tempo is measured in BPM.
This additional slide map traces the evolution and inter-relationship of music genres over time and describes the addition of new styles and elements into the music. I used CSS transitions to make this slide across the website.

When the user clicks on any square representing a music genre, it brings the user to a separate page with a detailed explanation about the music genre featured, the most famous artist of this genre and his or her biography.The page also has an example of a tune with the selected genre as well as an option to purchase a ticket for the featured artists show.

People are not always aware of, and sometimes have difficulty, differentiating between the various genres of electronic music. As a result, they sometimes do not know how to search for the music and artists that most interest them. The goal of the project is to educate users about electronic music and help them find their favorite genres.